Akhi A

The primary reresearch goal was to study formation of marine mammals bioacoustic communication and orientation systems during the evolution process. The researcher studys acoustic physiological patterns in functioning of dolphins communication and echolocation systems. The systems were formed as a result of the animals transition from terresrial to a secondary water lifestile. The researcher also […]

Korolev V

The primary research goal was to study formation of marine mammals’ bioacoustic communication and orientation systems during the evolution process. The researcher studies acoustic physiological patterns in functioning of dolphin`s communication and echolocation systems. The systems were formed as a result of the animal`s transition from terrestrial to a secondary water lifestyle, The researcher also […]

Zaitseva K

The primary research goal was to study formation of marine mammals’ bioacoustic communication and orientation systems during the evolution process. The researcher studies acoustic physiological patterns in functioning of dolphin`s communication and echolocation systems. The researcher conducts a theoretical justification, experiments and subsequent analysis of the work to clarify the role and importance of the […]