Vartanyan I

Graduated from the I.P. Pavlov 1st St.- Petersburg Medical Institute in 1962, doctor of medicine (PhD) – 1966; D.Sci. in Biology – 1976. Scientist of IEPhB since 1971. 1986 – 1998 – head of the Laboratory of Comparative Physiology of Sensory Systems. Scientist with a broad scientific outlook, known in Russia and abroad, the author […]

Khorunzhii G

Graduated from the Faculty of biology and soil sciences of St. Petersburg University at 2011, works in IEPhB since 2008. Till the March, 2020 was the employee of the laboratory of comparative physiology of sensory systems. Since the beginning of scientific career works in the group, headed by the leading researcher, PhD M.A. Egorova, and […]

Chernetsov N

I pursue research into magnetoreception of birds and other vertebrates. My own experimental work concerns mainly behavioural experiments in migratory birds, but I collaborate a lot with biophysicists, neurobiologists and electophysiologists in order to study signal reception and transduction from stationary magnetic field. The main result is that we have shown the use of geomagnetic […]

Dobretsov M

Areas of scientific interests are neurobiology, physiology of synaptic transmission and skeletal muscles, sensory systems and mechanisms of physiological and pathological pain, cardiobiology, diabetes, prediabetes and associated complications, ion channels and transporters

Novikova E

2015 – graduated from St. Petersburg State University (Faculty of Biology, Department of Entomology), received a master’s degree in biology. Since 2015, I’m an employee of the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry. I have experience working with genetic material; I know the methods of DNA extraction, PCR and electrophoresis. I have extensive experience working […]