Chiligina Yu

The main area of ​​research: the development of electrophysiological and optogenetic approaches to restore the functioning of the retina based on the expression of selective chimeric photosensitive proteins in model mammalian cells (testing on HEK 293T cell lines (Human Embryonic Kidney 293 T)). Methods: cell culture, transfection, optical and fluorescent microscopy, patch-clamp technique. The second […]

Nikolaeva D

Central to my research is the photoreception in vertebrates. Using a microspectrophotometer that allows us to study the absorption spectra of single photoreceptors, we have conducted a comparative study of the reaction of the visual cycle in intact retinal rods of amphibians and mammals under conditions close to in vivo. The suction micropipette technique used […]

Astakhova L

Scope of my research interest includes investigating first step of visual perception in photoreceptor cells of the retina. I study non-canonical mechanisms regulating phototranduction cascade and light adaptation in vertebrate photoreceptors. In addition, I deal with the mechanisms of generating dark noise in the retina. Over recent years, I got interested in discovering mechanisms of […]

Yefimova M

biology of reproduction, biology of vision, cell physiology (phagocytosis)

Rotov A

Scientific interests: photoreception mechanisms of rods and cones of vertebrates: features of regulation of the phototransduction cascade; the mechanism of the magnetic compass in the retina of migratory birds; retinal degeneration mechanisms in hereditary diseases and optogenetic prosthetics of visual function. Methods: electrophysiology – registration of the current of single photoreceptors with suction pipette method […]

Rychkova M

Area of interests: 1. antioxidant and protective action of gangliosides, alpha-tocopherol, and insulin during oxidative stress on neuronal cell cultures, their participation in cell signal transduction. 2. processes of phagocytosis in astroglia cell culture at different experimental condition methods: determination of Na,K-ATPase activity, determination of cell culture viability by lactate dehydrogenase and MTT method, preparative […]