Astakhova L

Scope of my research interest includes investigating first step of visual perception in photoreceptor cells of the retina. I study non-canonical mechanisms regulating phototranduction cascade and light adaptation in vertebrate photoreceptors. In addition, I deal with the mechanisms of generating dark noise in the retina. Over recent years, I got interested in discovering mechanisms of […]

Rotov A

Scientific interests: photoreception mechanisms of rods and cones of vertebrates: features of regulation of the phototransduction cascade; the mechanism of the magnetic compass in the retina of migratory birds; retinal degeneration mechanisms in hereditary diseases and optogenetic prosthetics of visual function. Methods: electrophysiology – registration of the current of single photoreceptors with suction pipette method […]

Chernetsov N

I pursue research into magnetoreception of birds and other vertebrates. My own experimental work concerns mainly behavioural experiments in migratory birds, but I collaborate a lot with biophysicists, neurobiologists and electophysiologists in order to study signal reception and transduction from stationary magnetic field. The main result is that we have shown the use of geomagnetic […]